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End of the tunnel.

Three hundred plus job rejects so far and counting since I started April last year, success must be near by now.   HAPPY NEW YEAR !
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Persistence is key to learning a new skill, the more difficult the skill is, more is the persistence required. My daughter is turning 6 months on 16th, she is growing fast, these days she is learning something every waking hour, the one I would like to mention now is crawling. She is trying to crawl but keeps falling, but she seems to now quit, I see her trying every time I see her, I know she will succeed in a couple of days. She has already started upper and lower body movements required for crawling independently, she just needs to figure out how to use them in tandem to move forward. Though we are genetically hard coded for persistence, in certain scenarios we don't direct our will to follow the code, as though we have become aware of our choices and we simply chose to be lazy. This is a perspective that has developed over the last one month. I have been trying to learn new skills, these are Deep Learning - a subset of Artificial Intelligence and Graphics Design, to begi

Work and Failure

It has been 2 weeks now since I quit my job, though all external scenarios suggest it was a bad decision, my intuition says it will be one of those life-changing pivotal moments for me. The difficult bit is unable to tell anyone in the family about my decision because after that all hell would break loose, the pressure from family would overpower my mind, which needs a lot of space currently to sort things out, to study, to ponder. I have never believed in finding a job before quitting the current one, it somehow doesn't feel right. If one is unhappy with his current job then what's the point continuing. It's a grave injustice to the unwilling/disliked work we do in the limbo and also to oneself for not being honest once gut feel. A utopian society would be a society where food, home, medical, justice, education, travel is a fundamental right and society fulfills everyone's need for any of these. True discoveries in science and philosophy will happen there, art

Hello World ..... 2.0

It has been a long time I really coded, in the sense trying to find solutions for a challenging problem where I would reach my wit's end. I am 32 now of which last 14 have been underutilized and the skills blunt with mediocrity compared to the sharp 5 before them when GWBasic  and C++ were learned in school. I truly believe it's never too late for learning anything, but the uphill task I face these days is of concentration, well that's more of a 1st world problem I guess, maybe some Yoga time needs to be included ... Breathe in Breathe Out !! My earliest childhood interaction to PC was with LOGO  programming language, and we made that turtle do all kind of stuff, which was magical for this 7-year-old kid. I had chosen the path for my future at about that age. I had to be around computers..... so I have been... One step at a time, चलते रहो ! One program at a time, करते रहो ! मिल जायेगी मधुशाला